CEO & Chairman Kohistan Group Visit’s Eighteen for Infrastructure and Development Survey.

CEO & Chairman Kohistan Group Visit’s Eighteen for Infrastructure and Development Survey. Get Professional Help (051- 111-586-937) CONTACT US 2 Some glimpses from yesterday’s site visit at Eighteen. Mr. Malik Adeel (Chairman Kohistan Group), Mr. Ashar Mehboob (C.T.O Kohistan Builders and Developers), and his team visited the multitude of ongoing projects at Eighteen being carried […]
Joint venture Agreement with Headstart Schools at Kohistan Enclave.

Joint venture Agreement with Headstart Schools at Kohistan Enclave. Get Professional Help (051- 111-586-937) CONTACT US 1 With great pleasure, we announce the news of our latest venture for the residents of #KohistanEnclave. A joint venture agreement has been signed between Kohistan Enclave and Headstart School’s to launch a flagship campus at our residential society. […]